Monday, October 9, 2017

Off to a Healthy Start

Our Colts are off to a healthy start this school year.  Colts are running laps on our track, choosing a healthy snack midday, participating in Go Noodle movement breaks, talking about emotional wellness during class meetings and/or guidance lessons and spending 2 days a week in physical education class all in an effort for a more balanced, healthy lifestyle.  Our students have engaged in 30, 905 minutes of Go Noodle during late August and September.  

In an effort to communicate aspects of our wellness plan information will be highlighted throughout the school year. Information has been sent home to families about some changes regarding our nutrition guidelines.  We do have some exempt days such as class parties.  During these exempt days additional foods may be served; however, we will consistently be mindful of food allergies some of our students have in each class and avoid those foods.

Our 3rd through 5th grade students are practicing aspects of the Fitnessgram.  They are supporting one another as they count curl ups, push ups and measure flexibility with their trunk and limbs.  

Our Colt Stampede is coming up on October 13th. Our students will run/walk laps during their Specials time.  Pledges will be made ahead of time and donations collected.  This is our big school fundraiser.  Family members are welcome to join us on Friday to participate with their student.

Some other school-wide physical activity events on our calendar this school year are:
School Walk for Diabetes
5th grade Track Day
Field Day

Some healthy tips:
Drink lots of water
Take the stairs when possible
Choose Go foods and not Whoa foods.

Consider joining us for some of our school-wide physical activity events. Support all of us as we continue to explore and participate in healthy lifestyle choices.