In this season of giving Carpenter Hill Colts have the gift of generosity.
Our Colts began in October giving to our school as a result of our
school fundraiser, the Colt Stampede. Our students received pledges
and donations to support school initiatives. Running for a good was
our mission. Students set a lap goal and several even surpassed their
lap goal. Thousands of miles were run by students, staff and family
our mission. Students set a lap goal and several even surpassed their
lap goal. Thousands of miles were run by students, staff and family
members in an effort to support our school. Ultimately the money
raised will impact our students. Thank you to all of our supporters
as we raised $14, 421.62.
Soon after the Colt Stampede our students supported children around
the world with our Trick or Treat for UNICEF campaign. Students
carried orange boxes around as the were trick or treating and asked
for donations. Our school has participated in this fundraiser all 9 years
and our students have raised over $13,000 in that time period.
In November we have collected coats and shoes for our
Hays CISD Clothes Closet. Lots and lots of jackets, hoodies and shoes
are making their way into our donation boxes. Opportunities to donate
will continue through December.
Let us not forget our Turkeys Tackling Hunger project. Our school
has participated annually collecting canned goods, non-perishable items
and money donations to help families in Hays County. Our Girl Scout
Troop led the campaign with signage, flyers, and the collection. Our
school brought over 754 food items and raised over $757.12, which
will feed over 25 families this Thanksgiving.
Our Green Team is beautifying our gardens and areas around our
school. In addition, we are collecting plastic bags and plastic film in
an effort to have a bench made of the recycled product. If our goal
is met or exceeded, Trex will provide us with a bench made from
Earth-friendly composite.
Our Grove of Gratitude project reminded us what we are thankful.
Our students and staff wrote on a leaf what they were thankful for
and it was added to a grove of trees displayed on our main stairwell.
We have a great deal to be thankful for each and every day. Some days
may be easier to communicate our gratitude than others, but we
definitely have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful to our students,
staff and our Colt community.
Thank you for your support and your generous spirit of giving. I wish
everyone a happy season of giving as it is better to give than to receive.
The giver is blessed indeed.