With all of the hustle and bustle this time of year it is important to stop, celebrate, share and cheer. 2017 has come to an end and a new year filled with 365 days of possibilities is here.
Carpenter Hill has been focusing on growth, not only in our students, but in our staff as well. As we read, talk, observe, analyze and discuss all that is going on around our campus we ponder what else can we do or what haven’t we tried yet to improve our instructional delivery, growth in our relationships with others, to break down our standards and truly understand what the students need to do to demonstrate mastery of the content, and work together as a school community for the benefit of our students. We meet regularly in various groups to discuss and reflect on our actions and those of our students. Talking is one thing and putting those thoughts into action is another thing all together.
I am thankful I work with a staff that is willing to try new things. To approach our work in a different manner in order to reach our students and push them to new heights. We are all growing in our understanding that mistakes will happen and to not give up. More and more conversations take place surrounding intentional grouping, accountability for all, students setting goals for themselves, incorporating a reflection component to lessons, and how to use technology in meaningful ways.
We have data to support the growth our students are making in math, which is a focus for our campus. Our students recently completed interim assessments and we will disaggregate that data and determine our next steps. We will also look at our Developmental Reading Assessment results and create a plan to meet the needs of all of our students, not just the students that are struggling. We are committed to our students’ growth. We are student-driven and data informed. We need data sets to determine our next steps to helping our students continue to learn and grow.
I am grateful for the community I work with and serve. We have common purpose, commitment and vision. We will continue to improve. We will keep asking questions and seeking answers. We will challenge one another in respectful ways. We will support one another as we try new things. Our students matter. Our teachers and staff matter. Our families matter. Working together is critical. I recently read “great teams consist of players who keep pulling on the same end of the rope no matter what.” Here’s to 2018 and continued growth, adventure, laughter, knowledge and cheer.